
A physicist loose among the liberal arts

Category: fantasy Page 3 of 9

Gollum le Grand? Le Gollum!

This is another episode in my exploration of what we can see when we look at The Lord of the Rings through the lens of the frequency of French-derived words. Earlier posts are here and here, and the Silmarillion here. As always, kudos to the programmers of the OED Text Visualizer for providing the microscope.

We’ve seen that regular characters and situations use Germanic words. Like nuclear radiation, a low background level of French is unavoidable (viz., the louver on Meduseld), but as pomposity increases and sanity diminishes, the level of French in the text rises to double-digit percentages. This raises a question: does the craziest character use the most French words?  The answer appears to be yes.

Gollum/Smeagol is almost certainly the least sane character in LotR. His dialogue needs quite a bit of editing before it can go to a computerized text analyser. The number of “s”s in a word needs to be standardized, sometimes “gollum” is an onomatopoeic punctuation mark not a proper noun, and so on. Also, his speech tends to be broken up in the text. The following computations are done on the closest dictionary-entry to Gollum’s words, aloud or internal.

There are seven blocks of dialogue long enough to support statistics between “The Taming of Smeagol” and “Shelob’s Lair”.  One is a debate between Gollum’s two personalities; I’ve split that into its component parts. Depending on which of his personalities is dominant, the frequency of French words varies widely.

bar graph of Gollum's french usage

Frequency of French-derived words in Gollum’s speech

Tolkien gives us a brief flash of close reading from Sam that we can use as a guide: “[Sam] noted that Gollum used I, and that seemed usually to be a sign, on its rare appearances, that some remnants of old truth and sincerity were for the moment on top.” On each bar I’ve superposed the number of first-person singular pronouns in the passage. It correlates well, with the exception of one outlier.

The ring-maddened Gollum, as he talks to himself before he meets Frodo and Sam, reaches a level of French I’ve seen nowhere else in the text. If we recall our earlier estimate that something like 7% French is as far as a character can go without risking his health, Gollum’s 15.3% score is alarming. (Since much of that is his repetition of precious, maybe the computer isn’t telling us anything new.)

When Frodo uses his will, and the Ring, to dominate Gollum, Gollum’s word choices turn relatively normal for a chapter or two. Whether terrified or helpful, Smeagol’s French-level is healthy. But then, as the Gollum side recovers from the blow and he plots his revenge, he quickly blows past Feanorian levels into his record-level madness.

There’s one exception to this general rule. When Smeagol/Gollum gives us a short lecture on the history of Harad and Gondor, he briefly turns as normal as anyone in the book. He doesn’t use I, but he doesn’t sound much like himself either. And that’s a good thing. Later Frodo would say in another context, “his cure is beyond us; but I would still spare him, in the hope that he may find it.” There was no cure for Saruman, but Gollum could have been saved by an adjunct-lecturer position at the community college.

On the sentience of the Ring

Tom weighs in on the question, “is the One Ring sentient?” with some evidence that the answer is “no”. The nerds on Reddit had an interesting discussion about the post. (Sturgeon’s Law applies, of course.) The gang raised a good question about the wheel of fire talking to Gollum, for instance.

It’s tricky, because the word “sentient” isn’t often used according to its dictionary meaning. It means “sensing the world around it”, but people generally use it to mean “thinking”. Until we get to Mordor and the hallucinations start, only the former seems relevant.

A good lens through which to look at Tolkien is to look for real-world analogues of what we see the Ring doing. Fact: It changes size, to get away from its current bearer. Tolkien is careful to say “seems to” all the time, but the physical evidence seems clear. The Ring came off Isildur’s hand, and Gollum’s hand, and it tried to escape from Bilbo several times, and boy did it hate being anywhere near Bombadil! It grew as big as it could in a vain attempt to get out of his palm.

So in some way the Ring knows when it’s not going to get anywhere with its current bearer. It knows when an opportunity for something more congenial comes around. And it can change its shape accordingly. Is there a real-world analogue for this?

Seeds have one. They can sense moisture, temperature, and gravitational potential as gradients around them. When they get the combination of moisture decreasing, temperature increasing, and gravitational potential increasing all in the same direction, they sprout, and send a shoot that direction to get out of the dirt and into the sunshine. This is parallel to what the Ring is doing, if we can find some field around it that relates to Sauron’s power instead of earth and water.  Some kind of luminiferous aether, except for the power of the Ainur.  Ilmen, perhaps?  Could Sauron or the Nazgul be distorting the density of ilmen as part of their attempts to draw the Ring to them?  (Of course, the palantir can do something similar, so maybe it’s something more down-to-arda than that.)

Anyway, the gradient of the whatever-field affects the Ring’s size. When it’s near a person more congenial to Sauron’s goals, which could be someone more powerful and closer to evil, or someone less powerful but less good, it expands. This ties in with the complexity of Gollum’s character — he’s neither good nor evil, not really anything except lust for the Ring, so any random goblin would be a better host, and off the Ring fell.

P.S. Anyone who doesn’t like the idea of Sauron creating a thing with the power of a seed (as I’m sure JRRT wouldn’t) is invited to use a slime mold as the model instead.

Of Beleriand and its Vocabulary

Daniel Stride, antipodean writer, book-blogger, and remarkably-good US election forecaster, wonders if Denethor’s french-fried vocabulary applies to Fëanor’s mad rants, too.

There are some methodological problems here.

  1. The Silmarillion isn’t a finished work.
  2. The Silmarillion has multiple authors.
  3. Fëanor doesn’t make any sane speeches for comparison.

But what the heck. Full speed ahead.  The longest verbatim speech we get is in Chapter IX, “Of the Flight of the Noldor”.  I won’t repeat the whole thing here, but it runs from “Why, O People of the Noldor…” and runs to “No other race shall oust us!” We can validate our presumption that this is a mad rant by noting that 11 of the last 13 sentences end with exclamation marks.

There are 27 French words out of 299, or 9%. The French words in Fëanor’s rant almost suffice to convey the entire meaning of the speech: race, oust, pursuit, beauty, levels, endure, ease, return, realm, people, vengeance, cowards, mountains, await, conquered, jealous, folly, city, journey, serve, war, regained, enemy, valiant.

This raises the question: How close is that to Denethor’s 10%? Most English prose will be loaded up with articles and prepositions that are all from Old English, so there’s a ceiling on how French a passage can be. Is 9% significantly different from 10%? What is the range of tolerable frenchification?

To look into that, I processed the first paragraphs from Chapter XIV, “Of Beleriand and its Realms”, which has to be the least-crazy part of the Quenta Silmarillion. That came out to 20 French words out of 266, or 7%. The words are ages, borders, fortress, defence, assault, dungeons, war, haste, destroy, search, tunnel, issued, mountains, furnaces, refuse, issued, desolation, plain, citadel. Morgoth definitely skews toward the Romance languages. Note the dungeon and the tunnel — they’ll be back shortly.

Who else isn’t crazy, besides the Narrator?  Beren comes immediately to mind.  He doesn’t make any long speeches [1] that I recall, but if I splice together everything he says to Thingol on their first meeting it adds up to 200 words.  Of those, 10 are French. Just 5%: perils, possess, jewels, powers, spy, price, perform, fate, rock, crown. (Not such a good plot summary, but it catches a lot of the flavor.)

In case anyone is wondering if the human/elf distinction matters, I decided Legolas was a sane elf. His speeches in LotR range from 2% French when he’s singing a lament for Boromir to 11% when he’s talking about visiting the Glittering Caves. [2] His average is 6±2.5%. In general, the Quenta Silmarillion has a higher French quotient than LotR, but they’re comparable. Christopher Tolkien and Guy Gavriel Kay took care to match J.R.R. Tolkien’s style and they picked up on this facet very well, arithmetically speaking.

So, with Sam’s permission we will call that settled. As long as they can stay above ground, sane people in Tolkien use less than 7% French words.

[1] This may be a better sign of sanity than any amount of etymology.

[2] It’s almost impossible to use English words to talk about caves.

Descent into Madness

The team at the Oxford Dictionary have upgraded their text visualization tool. The first beta version was the tool of some idiosophizing a few months ago. This new version still has the 500-word limit, but it’s gotten  better at guessing which meaning of a word the author had in mind, and it handles Elvish words and proper names much more gracefully. That is, it ignores them.

The madness of kings and the damage it can do to a country has been on my mind of late, so today I used the new tool to look at Denethor’s first and last speeches.  Long-time readers know I’m an admirer.

Here’s the first thing of any length we hear Denethor say, after removing all the things that aren’t Denethor:

Dark indeed is the hour, and at such times you are wont to come, Mithrandir. But though all the signs forebode that the doom of Gondor is drawing nigh, less now to me is that darkness than my own darkness. It has been told to me that you bring with you one who saw my son die. Is this he? …
Verily. And in my turn I bore it, and so did each eldest son of our house, far back into the vanished years before the failing of the kings, since Vorondil father of Mardil hunted the wild kine of Araw in the far fields of Rhun. I heard it blowing dim upon the northern marches thirteen days ago, and the River brought it to me, broken: it will wind no more. What say you to that, Halfling?

As before, the size of the circle is how common the word is in English, the horizontal position is the year the word entered the language, the vertical position is how many times the word appears in the text, and the color of the circle is the language family whence the word came into English. Blue is Germanic (dark for Old English, lighter for German or Norse), red is French (and other Romance languages). Other languages appear in other colors, but these passages don’t have any of those.

Visualization of Denethor's first speech

This is how a great leader of men talks

And here is the last speech Denethor makes before he ignites the pyre, similarly edited:

Pride and despair! Didst thou think that the eyes of the White Tower were blind? Nay, I have seen more than thou knowest, Grey Fool. For thy hope is but ignorance. Go then and labour in healing! Go forth and fight! Vanity. For a little space you may triumph on the field, for a day. But against the Power that now arises there is no victory. To this City only the first finger of its hand has yet been stretched. All the East is moving. And even now the wind of thy hope cheats thee and wafts up Anduin a fleet with black sails. The West has failed. It is time for all to depart who would not be slaves.
Hope on, then! Do I not know thee, Mithrandir? Thy hope is to rule in my stead, to stand behind every throne, north, south, or west. I have read thy mind and its policies. Do I not know that you commanded this halfling here to keep silence? That you brought him hither to be a spy within my very chamber? And yet in our speech together I have learned the names and purpose of all thy companions. So! With the left hand thou wouldst use me for a little while as a shield against Mordor, and with the right bring up this Ranger of the North to supplant me. But I say to thee, Gandalf Mithrandir, I will not be thy tool! I am Steward of the House of Anarion. I will not step down to be the dotard chamberlain of an upstart. Even were his claim proved to me, still he comes but of the line of Isildur. I will not bow to such a one, last of a ragged house long bereft of lordship and dignity’
I would have things as they were in all the days of my life and in the days of my longfathers before me: to be the Lord of this City in peace, and leave my chair to a son after me, who would be his own master and no wizard’s pupil. But if doom denies this to me, then I will have naught, neither life diminished, nor love halved, nor honour abated.

Denethor's last speech visualized

Not the words of a well man.

When we meet him, Denethor is sane. He is firmly in command of the defense of the West. In a speech of 140 words he uses only three of French origin: sign, river, and march. Those are good, short words. You can barely fault him.

But the palantir is a dangerous thing. One must have a great strength of will to use it without being deceived. Mighty as Denethor was, madness took him, and we can see it in his speech: 37 French words out of 370.  Alas for the son of Ecthelion!  Sauron’s lies turned him 10% French, and from that there is no return.


The results of the visualizer can be sensitive to the date of the text. As you can see from the vertical red lines, I chose a date before the author started writing, not the date of publication. Using the later date means there’s a risk that the robot will discover some obscure technical term that came into existence just before the book hit the shelves. The OED knows everything, and that has negatives as well as positives. (In this case, the tricky word was “kine”.)

Etymology of Two Cities

A research team at the Oxford English Dictionary has released a visualization engine for text analysis. This is fun: give it a text (up to 500 words, for the moment) and it will make a graph showing how common the word is in English (vertical axis), the year the word entered the English language (horizontal axis), the frequency of each word in the sample (size of the circle), and the language group from which we got the word (color).

This can be used for lots of things. We can test (for example) J.R.R. Tolkien’s success at excluding any word from later than 1600 from his prose.

Me, I wanted to go back to something that bothered me when I was a teenager.  The first description of Minas Tirith, seen from a distance, sounded weird to me.

For the fashion of Minas Tirith was such that it was built on seven levels, each delved into the hill, and about each was set a wall, and in each wall was a gate. But the gates were not set in a line: the Great Gate in the City Wall was at the east point of the circuit, but the next faced half south, and the third half north, and so to and fro upwards; so that the paved way that climbed towards the Citadel turned first this way and then that across the face of the hill. And each time that it passed the line of the Great Gate it went through an arched tunnel, piercing a vast pier of rock whose huge out-thrust bulk divided in two all the circles of the City save the first. For partly in the primeval shaping of the hill, partly by the mighty craft and labour of old, there stood up from the rear of the wide court behind the Gate a towering bastion of stone, its edge sharp as a ship-keel facing east. Up it rose, even to the level of the topmost circle, and there was crowned by a battlement; so that those in the Citadel might, like mariners in a mountainous ship, look from its peak sheer down upon the Gate seven hundred feet below. The entrance to the Citadel also looked eastward, but was delved in the heart of the rock; thence a long lamp-lit slope ran up to the seventh gate. Thus men reached at last the High Court, and the Place of the Fountain before the feet of the White Tower: tall and shapely, fifty fathoms from its base to the pinnacle, where the banner of the Stewards floated a thousand feet above the plain.

LotR, V,i

Here’s what that looks like in the visualizer. Huge cluster of blue and green for English and other Germanic languages. The thing that struck teenaged me, though I didn’t know it at the time, was all that red. This paragraph is loaded with French words, from “fashion” at the beginning to “plain” at the end.  30 out of 300.

graphing word origins for Minas Tirith

Minas Tirith

For comparison, here’s the first description of Edoras.

‘I see a white stream that comes down from the snows’, he said. ‘Where it issues from the shadow of the vale a green hill rises upon the east. A dike and mighty wall and thorny fence encircle it. Within there rise the roofs of houses; and in the midst, set upon a green terrace, there stands aloft a great hall of Men. And it seems to my eyes that it is thatched with gold. The light of it shines far over the land. Golden, too, are the posts of its doors. There men in bright mail stand; but all else within the courts are yet asleep.’
‘Edoras those courts are called’, said Gandalf, ‘and Meduseld is that golden hall. There dwells Theoden son of Thengel, King of the Mark of Rohan. We are come with the rising of the day. Now the road lies plain to see before us. But we must ride more warily; for war is abroad, and the Rohirrim, the Horse-lords, do not sleep, even if it seem so from afar.
Draw no weapon, speak no haughty word, I counsel you all, until we are come before Theoden’s seat.’

LotR, III,vi

Crunched and visualized, Edoras looks like this:

graphing word origins for Edoras


A bare smattering of French words (10 out of 200). All the words from before 1600, with two exceptions. One of those yellow others is “Rohan”, which the OED thinks is Sanskrit (and I’m sure it is). We’ll let that slide. The other is “afar”, which is listed as Cushitic.  I’m not sure I believe that — it sounds like the Old English prefix “a-” stuck to the Old English-derived “far”. This descriptive passage passes Tolkien’s constraint test easily.

In conclusion, my old suspicion has been quantified:  Gondor is 10% French. Tolkien may have been using French words to designate social hierarchy, which Gondor has in bucket-loads. I suspect a lot more French words will appear in Gondor once we can process more than 500 words at a time. We’ll see if the OED research team lets us do that before my Signum classmate James Tauber releases the same capability open source.

Tip of the hat to Thijs Porck for letting us know about this via Twitter.

The End of Saruman

A Collection of Unmitigated Pedantry has wrapped up its analysis of the Battle of the Hornburg from the point of view of military science. It’s a tour de force. I addressed the subject from my own less-educated perspective a couple of years ago, and reached similar conclusions. (Lucky!) It drives home the sheer ineptitude of Saruman’s military planning, and reveals why both Sauron and Gandalf held him in such contempt and pity, respectively.

Prof. Devereaux wraps up his essay with a lecture on another subject dear to my heart, which he calls “the Cult of the Badass”. This trope, which I trace back to Charles Bronson movies in the 1970s, has taken over the genres of fantasy, mystery, horror, and probably romance too[citation needed]. I’m tired of it. The essay links to a video piece discussing how that attitude made a hash out of Game of Thrones.  A really good treatment, except that it attributes to Robert A. Heinlein a sentiment that goes much further back. Heinlein, in fact, was paraphrasing Chairman Mao.

The Introverts of Middle-earth

Thinking before you speak, by Jason Rowley

Introvert (schematic)

The poll about Bombadil’s introversion seems to have resonated with the online Tolkien community. Among many other reactions, Daniel Stride of A Phuulish Fellow (his book is up to #2 in my “to-read” pile) has a response. He dives into which characters in Tolkien are introverted, besides the obvious bad guys, and comes up with some interesting pearls.

I have one disagreement with Daniel (and a lot of redditors): some people seem to think that introverts don’t talk much, and therefore Tom Bombadil can’t be an introvert. Taciturnity and introversion are not correlated! Half of all introverts talk less than average, but the other half — well, I won’t expect anyone to understand if I mention Uncle Page, but most of the USA has heard of Garrison Keillor. The man made a career out of getting up on stage every Saturday night and talking hilariously for two hours about how shy and reclusive he is. Click that link and read his front-page coronavirus essay, and you’ll see what I mean. (N.B.: your Idiosopher might have been accused of insufficient taciturnity once or twice himself.)

But this post isn’t to argue with anyone. The virtue of scholarship (and a goal to which Idiosophy aspires with rare success) comes when it’s useful for understanding something. And there are two names on Daniel’s list that struck me as particularly useful applications.


Beorn lives by himself, and doesn’t like visitors. Strong indications of introversion. Except he also built a big hall that can seat dozens of people. He can set a table for 16 at a moment’s notice. How do we resolve this paradox? Maybe he’s not so much a born introvert, but rather has had introversion thrust upon him. I mean, he’s also a grizzly bear. Grizzly bears require about 300 square miles (78,000 ha) of territory, each. That, plus the fact that everyone’s terrified of him, is going to lead to a lot of what we now call social distancing.

It’s interesting to think about how Beorn’s heroism at the Battle of Five Armies might have contributed to a certain kind of fame, enough to attract 100%-humans from Rhovanion to his lifestyle. But years of isolation don’t slough off instantly. Bringing new people in as followers of a war hero is a well-structured relationship. This is important to introverts, which meant that he could make it work and become the founder of a new society of Beornings.


People who fancy themselves political realists (don’t worry, G., I’m not mentioning any names) claim it’s a shortcoming of Tolkien’s plotting in LotR that no opposition factions in Gondor are mentioned. Why did Faramir passively accept Aragorn’s claim to the throne? He had an army of loyal soldiers, much bigger than Aragorn could call on. Without his consent, Aragorn is only a Ranger.

If Faramir is really an introvert, it all makes sense. I went back and looked at Olga’s wonderful essay about his “quality”, and sure enough, through that lens lots of his behavior looks clear. (Also his clumsy approach to romance.) Faramir’s emotional reaction to Boromir’s death is mostly fraternity, but it’s easy to see a streak of dismay in it that he is suddenly expected to spend the rest of his life as a politician. Once he recovered from the Black Breath and learned that the battle had ended with so many signs and portents of a returning King, he would have felt like it was his own personal eucatastrophe.

So thanks, Daniel – that’s really interesting!

Old Tom Bombadil, Introverted Fellow

While we were all sitting at home to defeat the plague of coronavirus , I got to thinking about the all-time champion of social distancing: Tom Bombadil.  I write about him and Goldberry a lot. There are constant debates going on about him on social media and in scholarship. Lots of us are fascinated by Tom, and the unbounded opportunities for speculation he provides. The rest of the writers on the internet can’t stand him.

It’s a funny thing.  J.R.R. Tolkien was the most sociable person imaginable. He was always forming groups: the TCBS, the Coalbiters, the Inklings. The characters he writes are often as social and extroverted as he was. Hobbits spend their time in taverns, Elves convene in big feasts, Butterbur persuades total strangers to join the crowd in the common room, Dwarves go to the effort of digging through solid rock to build huge halls in which they can assemble, the Rohirrim are the descendants of Anglo-Saxons who saw exile as a trauma. Loners are usually evil.

Most of Tolkien’s dedicated fans, by diametric contrast, are introverts. We like the idea of convivial groups, but it would be exhausting to live like that all the time. Fortunately, there’s one couple of happy introverts in The Lord of the Rings with whom we can share our attitude.  Tom and Goldberry live the introvert’s ideal life. They’re happy to have short-term visitors, but they didn’t make it easy to be one. They conduct their business as they see fit. They make their little realm exactly the way they want it. Best of all, they have the power to keep it that way.  It occurred to me to wonder if there was a connection between the Internet’s fascination with Bombadil and his status as the Great Introvert.

How would we test this hypothesis? Our unique (it is to be hoped) circumstances offered a chance to find out. Usually, the people who discuss Tolkien on the Internet are doubly-likely to be introverted. This weekend was different. Everyone was confined to their house and the weather was forecast to be terrible. There would never be a better chance to find extroverted Tolkien fans on line.

The Experiment

Hypothesis: Introverts are more likely than extroverts to love the character of Tom Bombadil.

Approach: Conduct a web survey, soliciting responses from Twitter and Reddit (r/tolkienfans and r/lotr) to two questions.

  1.  What do you think of Tom Bombadil?
    1. Love him
    2. I understand why movies always leave him out, but it’s disappointing
    3. Don’t like him
    4. Other (free text)
  1. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? For this purpose, an extrovert is someone who’s energized by interacting with large groups; an introvert is someone who likes to be alone to re-charge after being in a group.
    1. Extrovert
    2. Kind of in the middle
    3. Introvert

The survey ran from April 12th to April 14th.

Results: 1,329 responses were received, of which 1,323 were intelligible.  The free-text responses were overwhelmingly of two types. Either they were “both (a) and (b)”, which was reclassified as (a), or they were “neither like nor dislike” which is logically equivalent to and reclassified as (c).

Introversion Don’t like him Disappointing Love him Total
Extrovert 6 32 69 107
Kind of in the middle 49 192 197 438
Introvert 76 319 383 778
Total 131 543 649 1,323

Discussion: The attempt to find extroverts in online Tolkien discussion forums was probably doomed in any case, but we did get over a hundred of them to contribute.   59% of the sample was a proud introvert. 33% described themselves as neither introverted nor extroverted, but it is impossible to avoid the observation that this latter group’s answers were indistinguishable from those of the former (Pearson’s χ² test, p=.0092).

Unfortunately for our hypothesis, the probability that an extrovert would love Tom Bombadil was 64%, compared to 49% among introverts. Introverts were almost twice as likely to say “don’t like him” as extroverts (11% vs 6%).


Extroverts seem to like people more than introverts do, even when the person is fictional and the test is loaded to favor the introverts. The world is a harsh place, and the beauty of a hypothesis can not save it from the brutality of facts.

Thank you and ring-a-dong-dillo to everyone who helped spread the word!

Ents’ Work

Over at Middle-earth Reflections, Olga cheers as the Ents wreck Saruman’s plans for dominating the northwest of Middle-earth. Serves him right. Her previous post talked about the Old English origins of the word “ent” and how Tolkien re-applied the old poets’ feelings of awe for the ancient (Roman) giants who built the ruins around them.  That reminds me of what may be my favorite of all the jokes Tolkien buried in The Lord of the Rings.  When Theoden & Co. are riding from Helm’s Deep to Isengard, their first sign that something has happened comes in this passage:

Dark lay the vale before them, for the moon had passed into the West, and its light was hidden by the hills. but out of the deep shadow of the dale rose a vast spire of smoke and vapour; as it mounted, it caught the rays of the sinking moon and spread in shimmering billows , black and silver over the starry sky.

LotR, III, viii.

The company is miles away from Isengard at that point.  The Old English poem “Maxims II” (as its title indicates, this poem is a long string of maxims saying how the world ought to be) begins,

Cyning sceal rice healdan.  Ceastra beoð feorran gesyne,
Orðanc enta geweorc, þa þe on þysse eorðan syndon,
Wrætlic weallstana geweorc.

I translate these first two Wise Sayings as, “A king should hold his realm. A fortress should be visible from afar to all who are on this earth, the skillful work of giants, wonderful works of stone.” The word “Orthanc” sitting there with the Ents tells me that this is something we shouldn’t overlook, and is why Tom Shippey says it’s a joke, deep-down, where you can’t get at it.

Most places the old poets use the phrase enta geweorc, they’re referring to a ruin. So, which was the Ents’ work? The original construction, or the ruining? Grim-voiced men like the poets who wrote “Beowulf” or “The Wanderer” always meant the former. Tolkien’s sense of humor led him to wonder, what if it were the latter? And so the next chapter came to be.

Ominous Furlongs

“Furlong” is fun to say, and Professor Tolkien liked to say “furlong” as much as anyone else. He got it into LotR 14 times, one of which occurs as the Fellowship (and the Prancing Pony Podcast) approaches the artificial lake in front of Moria.

I don’t know if this is common, but the use of “furlong” that stuck in my mind as a child was this one:

Almost forgetting for the moment all thoughts of Moby Dick, we now gazed at the most wondrous phenomenon which the secret seas have hitherto revealed to mankind. A vast pulpy mass, furlongs in length and breadth, of a glancing cream-colour, lay floating on the water, innumerable long arms radiating from its centre, and curling and twisting like a nest of anacondas, as if blindly to clutch at any hapless object within reach. No perceptible face or front did it have; no conceivable token of either sensation or instinct; but undulated there on the billows, an unearthly, formless, chance-like apparition of life.

-Herman Melville, Moby-Dick, ch.59

Given what’s under the water of that lake, I wonder if Professor Tolkien stuck “furlongs” there on purpose.

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